Hangzhou Zhengjiu Machinery Manufacturing Co.,LTD.

1000L Vodka Still

- pot still for vodka (with side column)

- steam heating (with heating jacket)

- pot’s net filling capacity: 1000 ltr Mash

- copper helmet

- copper column, 24 plates (12+12 plates)

- sus304 dephlegmators, 2pcs

- sus304 condenser, tubelar type, with cooling water inlet & outlet

- supporting stand

- control box

- batch system

- production of Spirits by distilling process

- spirits: vodka


Specification of 1000L Vodka Still

Item No.ZJVS-1000L
Product name1000L vodka still
Capacity1000L , customizable
MaterialRed copper TP2, SUS304
DimensionsPot Diameter:1500mm
Installation sizeLength: 3700mm, width: 1850mm, height: 4550mm
ThicknessPot & jacket: 4mm, cladding:2mm, Other parts: 3mm
AppicationTo make vodka


Detail of 1000L Vodka Still

  • Detail of 1000L Vodka Still
    Mash preparation

    The grain for example in the form of wheat or vegetables is put inside a mash tub. The tub is very similar to a washing machine. While the tub rotates it breaks down the grains. Ground malt is added to the compound as it eases the conversion of the starches to sugar.

  • Detail of 1000L Vodka Still
    Keeping the mash sterile

    It is critical to maintain a totally sterile mash. The prevention of bacteria growth is extremely important in the production of vodka and all other distilled spirits. The sterilization processes employs 3 stages: The mash is heated until it reaches boiling point, Lactic acid bacteria are mixed into the mash, and once the chosen acidity levels are reached, the mash is once again sterilized.

  • Detail of 1000L Vodka Still
    Vodka fermentation

    The sterilized mash is then streamed into stainless steel tanks. At this point yeast is added and the tanks are sealed. The yeast contains enzymes that in the next four days will turn the sugars in the mash to ethyl alcohol.

  • Detail of 1000L Vodka Still

    The ethyl alcohol is injected to a column or pot still (most modern vodka producers use column stills). The stainless column still is comprised of vaporization chambers stacked on top of each other. The alcohol is continuously heated up with steam while it cycles up and down. This cycle continues until the vapors created from the heat are released and condensed. The alcohol vapors rise to the top vaporization chambers where they accumulate. The by- products and extracted materials drain into the lower chambers where they can be discarded.


Features of 1000L Vodka Still


What is the principle of distillation?

Under standard atmospheric pressure, the boiling point of water is 100 ℃, and the pure alcohol is 78 ℃. The fermentation liquid contains a lot of water. Therefore, when the boiling point of the fermentation broth (fermented grains) is about 90 ℃, the alcohol vaporizes into the condenser cooling device, and the hot steam is suddenly cooled, condensed into small water droplets and mixed out is Liquor.



How Is Vodka Distilled?

Fermentation is just the beginning of the process. The alcohol byproduct that comes from fermenting has a low ABV (alcohol by volume), so the distillation process begins in order to raise the ABV and qualify the drink as a spirit.


The alcohol is heated in a still, where it is refined and any impurities are removed. The goal is to create a neutral-flavored, high-alcohol content liquid without any impurities. The distillation process uses heat to remove the alcohol from the liquid – alcohol has a lower boiling temperature. The steam is collected at the top of the still, and the byproduct at the bottom is discarded. The steam is then condensed back into a liquid and collected.

Many vodkas go through this distillation process more than once – many distillers believe the more vodka is distilled, the higher the quality. As a Colorado distillery, Switch Vodka, we use iStill, which is a modern take on distillation that allows more control over the distillation process.


The distilled alcohol that comes out has a much higher ABV than your average vodka – it can get up to 95 percent alcohol, which is 190 proof. For reference, in the United States, it is typically around 40 percent alcohol or 80 proof.

The alcohol is then cut with water to create the final product – a clear, odorless liquid with a strong alcohol content – better known as vodka.

Flavorings are sometimes added during the production process to create flavored vodkas that have become very popular over the years.


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