Stainless beer fermenter The style of stainless beer fermenter involves top-fermenting beer, usually the yeast Saccomycespastorianus. This includes ale, port, Stott, Altbil, Trappist or wheat beer,
The top fermentation process is carried out at a temperature of 15-24 ° C and lasts for 3-9 days. In most cases, foam is formed on the surface of fermented beer due to the rise of carbon dioxide with yeast 1, which is why they are called top fermented beer. These beers usually ferment for about three weeks,
In some cases it may ferment for several months. Coat yeast are divided into colonies (they may be several meters in diameter) that live on the surface of the wort and rise through carbon dioxide. Higher fermentation temperatures result in more floral final beers, and top fermented beers vary in taste,
We often find exotic aromas (cloves, bananas, oils, etc.), although brewers do not add these ingredients to beer, these are caused by fermentation. The best type of fermentation vessel for topside fermentation is a closed cylindrical tank.
The main reason for closed fermentation in tanks is that top-fermented beer is susceptible to yeast foams contaminated by foreign organisms from the environment. Another reason is that fermentation and maturation of beer can be controlled during reproduction, and it is easy to clean and eliminate closed cans.